Thai Meatballs Bento

Thai Meatballs Bento

Today's lunch is a leftover from yesterday's dinner : rice, thai meatballs, snowpeas, minicorns and pak choy with a bit of chicken broth.  For the fruity vitamins I packed an apple which didn't make it in the picture though.

I'm running a bit out of time right now, so I'll post the recipe tomorrow. ETA : done, see below.

Bon appetit.

Thai meatballs recipe (serves 4)


500g ground beef
 2 lemongrass
1in piece of fresh ginger
grated peel of a lime
2 garlic cloves
1/2 bussel of fresh coriander (cilantro)
1/2 bussel of fresh mint
sale & pepper
160g basmati rice (dry weight)
1 chili
600 ml chicken stocl
2 pak choy
100g baby corn cobs
75g sugar snaps
2-3 tsp fish sauce


Put the ground meat in a bowl. Wash the lemon grass, remove the outer leaves.  Chop up one lemongrass finely and add it to the meat. Cut the remaining one lengthwise and put it in a pan.

Peel the ginger,  grate half of it above the meat and cut the remaining half in strips. Add those strips to the pan with the lemongrass.

Peel and press the garlic. Wash the herbs, dry them and chop them up. Add the herbs, the garlic and the lime zest to the meat, season with salt and pepper and mix everything carefully together.  Make 32 little meatballs with the meat.

Cook the rice following the instructions on the package in lighlty salted wter.  Wash the chili, cut it in half, remove the seeds.  Add half of it to the pan with the lemongrass, together with the chicken stock and bring to a boil.  Add the meatballs and let everythingcook under cover for about 12 minutes, until the meat is done.

Transfer the liquid to a clean pan, reserve the meatballs and remove the ginger, lemongrass and chili.

Heat the liquid. Wash the pak choy, remove the hard core and cut into slices. Cut the baby corn cobs lengthwise, wash and cut the sugarsnaps in half.  Add the vegetables to the boilingliquid and let it boil for 2-3 minutes, until they start to get tender. Add the fish sauce.

Divide the rice over the 4 plates and put the vegetables and broth on top of it. Dice the remaining chili and serve the thai meatballs sprinkled with the chili.

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